My life as a first year Ross School of Business student... trying hard to juggle all the work, all the play, yet still keep everyone in the loop.

Monday, February 11, 2008

A.M. sprint

Right before leaving for class this morning I took Beasley out to do her business. It was still freakin' cold outside, plus I was running a little late, so I was trying to hurry Beasley along. As soon as she finished, I turned to go back to my apartment while Beasley tried to continue along with our stroll. My frozen fingers dropped the leash, and Beasley, immediately recognizing the bid for freedom, sprinted off, investigating the neighborhood. So I took off behind her, huffing and puffing. I finally caught up to her, picked her up, and jogged back to the apartment. By the time I deposited her safely in the kitchen, I was coughing like a former chain smoker and made it to class five minutes late. That Bease is a sly one!

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