My life as a first year Ross School of Business student... trying hard to juggle all the work, all the play, yet still keep everyone in the loop.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Free at Last!

Ok, so it's definitely not MLK quote-worthy. BUT, as of Wednesday, April 22nd at 7:15pm, I am officially done with school. No more lectures, papers, group meetings, problem sets or exams! Now I get to enjoy the next week before family comes in for graduation, which is on May 1st.
As is Ross Business School tradition, the next week (Thursday-Wednesday) is called Disorientation Week. We all take the time to decompress after two years of hard work. DisO week is characterized by heavy drinking, reminiscing, nostalgia, drama, the senior scramble, and more heavy drinking. Basically it's a chance for so-called adults to act like they're back in high school! The schedule of events is as follows:
  • Bar Crawl
  • Canoeing
  • Spring Fling (semi-formal dance)
  • Kickball tournament
  • Bowling/Karaoke
  • MBA Gladiators
  • Talent Show
  • Baseball game (Yankees v Tigers)
  • MBA Celebration
  • Diamondback (country/western bar)

It's a packed week, and I don't plan on participating in all the activities (because at some point I'm going to have to be at home cleaning for my commencement guests). But my time at Ross is coming to a close, so you'd better believe that I will out and about Ann Arbor having fun!

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