My life as a first year Ross School of Business student... trying hard to juggle all the work, all the play, yet still keep everyone in the loop.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

In the Cold, Cold Night

The cold weather sucks. When I was in my car today, the temperature gauge read anything between 8 and 15 degrees. And since it's usually reads 3-4 degrees higher than the actual outside temperature, this means I was dealing with anywhere between 4 and 12 degrees. Not factoring in the wind chill.
Since today was definitely NOT a day to be outside, I opted to watch movies for most of the day. First, I watched the end of Blade: Trinity, which I had been watching last night on TNT before I went to sleep (Ryan Reynolds is hot). Then, I watched Man in the Moon on E!, followed by a trip to the movie theater to watch Cloverfield (I REALLY liked it). To wrap up the day, Shari, Nathalie and I headed over to Lene's to eat wings and watch The Lives of Others (a foreign film that I actually liked... shocking!)
It was a much better way to spend my day than studying. Now, if only it were warm!

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