On Saturday night I left my apartment to pick up Lauren and head to East Lansing for a Death Cab for Cutie concert (video to come later). I had just put the car in reverse when I realized something was clearly wrong. The button on the gear shift didn't pop back out, and when I tried to shift into all other gears, the car refused to go into park. Since the car was actually driving fine, I went to the local VW dealer, but they were already closed for the evening. The panicking started, because I had no idea how to resolve the situation. A phone call to VW Roadside Assistance later let me know that there was nothing that could be done until Monday when the Services department opened back up. So, I left the car in neutral, turned the engine off, LEFT THE KEYS IN THE IGNITION because I couldn't take it out, and just left the car in the VW parking lot for the rest of the weekend.
On Monday I found out I had a broken gearshift that would have to be replaced. Fortunately, the car was under warranty. Besides no payment, this meant that I would get a free rental car while my Jetta was in the shop. The big winner? An ivory PT Cruiser. The verdict? Awful. Big, bulky, lots of blind spots, no acceleration, and the world's worst turning radius. Fortunately, it was only a 24 hour deal, because I got my Jetta back this afternoon, as good as new. I will definitely be treating my car better from now on, and the next time I get a rental car, there's no way I will let them give me a PT Cruiser. Pretty Terrible indeed. And yes, we made it to East Lansing in time, thank goodness!!!

The behemoth I was driving around Ann Arbor this weekend. UUUUUUUUUUUUUGLY!!!
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