Cost to participate in Floss 'N Toss: $25 (or, if you're like me and you missed the deadline to sign up, $0, but no drinks and no t-shirts)
Dinner at Fleetwodd: $5.59 (does not include the cost of half the grilled cheese sandwich Hugh shared with me/I stole from him)
Conversations had and picture taken during the day: Priceless (but just as a disclaimer, I didn't take my camera to Floss 'N Toss, so all pictures have been lovingly borrowed from my friends)
Stop #1 - Jackie and Michelle enjoying the beautiful weather outside Conor O'Neill's. I wasn't there for this part of the bar crawl, but I felt like there needed to be full documentation of the day.
(Courtesy of M. Gezo)
Stop #? - Matt P. and Alden, the brains behind Follies, document the afternoon. The testimonials are going to be part of the MBA Celebration next Wednesday, and I am willing to bet that more than a few people will be surprised to see themselves on screen.
(Courtesy of M. Gezo)
Stop #2 - Geraldine, Michelle, Jackie and Emily pose for pics at Arena. Notice my strategically worn grey t-shirt? Hard to tell I wasn't even an official part of Floss 'N Toss!
(Courtesy of E. Weingart)
Stop #3 - Heidelberg. Rob (who I literally met right before this picture was taken - it's amazing that there are still unfamiliar faces after 2 years at school), Matt J, myself, Michelle. Matt J was ultra-excited because he had just received an email from the Prince of Nigeria saying that he was eligible to receive $35 million. He's so lucky!!!
(Courtesy of L. Sensenig)
Stop #3 - With Lorraine at Heidelberg. Lorraine was also an unofficial Floss 'N Toss participant because she was heading to a corporate dinner at the Chop House. Mmmm, steak.
(Courtesy of F. Ahmadi)
Stop #3 - Trying to leave Heidelberg while Michelle gives me a huge hug. And crushes my windpipe in the process (Courtesy of M. Gezo)
Stop #4 - Feelin' the Latino love at Monkey Bar with Patricia and Marlene.
(Courtesy of C. Tapia)
Stop #5 - Buffalo Wild Wings. Obviously we are way more concerned with food at this point.
(Courtesy of S. Klainer)
Stop #6 - Scorekeepers. The original subjects of this picture were myself, Sara Klainer, Ginny Lee and Sarah Raehl. Allen Coleman and Jason Fein are just added benefits.
(Courtesy of S. Klainer)
Stop #7 - Dinner at Fleetwood. I'm not sure what exactly is going on here, but Hugh's expression is pretty spectacular.
(Courtesy of K. Gillilan)
Stop #8 - Section Six boys Mark G., Jose, Matt J. and Hugh at Alley Bar.
(Courtesy of K. Gillilan)
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