My life as a first year Ross School of Business student... trying hard to juggle all the work, all the play, yet still keep everyone in the loop.

Monday, April 27, 2009

DisO Week Thursday: Floss 'N Toss

DisO Week began with the traditional Floss 'N Toss bar crawl - I have no clue where the name came from. On Thursday afternoon/evening, hundreds of MBAs dressed in matching shirts were parading through the streets of Ann Arbor from bar to bar. After a full afternoon of alcohol and wings at B-Dubs, we headed to Scorekeepers for the weekly Ross Happy Hour at Scorekeepers. After 7 straight hours of drinking and eating, it's amazing people were still standing. Although it was a long day, our group wasn't quite done. We headed over to Fleetwood Diner for dinner (I'm not sure if you could call pancakes dinner), and then over to Alley Bar for a few more hours. After bar-hopping for anywhere between 8-12 hours, at midnight we finally called it a day. Final tally of Floss 'N Toss?
Cost to participate in Floss 'N Toss: $25 (or, if you're like me and you missed the deadline to sign up, $0, but no drinks and no t-shirts)
Dinner at Fleetwodd: $5.59 (does not include the cost of half the grilled cheese sandwich Hugh shared with me/I stole from him)
Conversations had and picture taken during the day: Priceless (but just as a disclaimer, I didn't take my camera to Floss 'N Toss, so all pictures have been lovingly borrowed from my friends)

Stop #1 - Jackie and Michelle enjoying the beautiful weather outside Conor O'Neill's. I wasn't there for this part of the bar crawl, but I felt like there needed to be full documentation of the day.
(Courtesy of M. Gezo)

Stop #? - Matt P. and Alden, the brains behind Follies, document the afternoon. The testimonials are going to be part of the MBA Celebration next Wednesday, and I am willing to bet that more than a few people will be surprised to see themselves on screen.
(Courtesy of M. Gezo)

Stop #2 - Geraldine, Michelle, Jackie and Emily pose for pics at Arena. Notice my strategically worn grey t-shirt? Hard to tell I wasn't even an official part of Floss 'N Toss!
(Courtesy of E. Weingart)

Stop #3 - Heidelberg. Rob (who I literally met right before this picture was taken - it's amazing that there are still unfamiliar faces after 2 years at school), Matt J, myself, Michelle. Matt J was ultra-excited because he had just received an email from the Prince of Nigeria saying that he was eligible to receive $35 million. He's so lucky!!!
(Courtesy of L. Sensenig)

Stop #3 - With Lorraine at Heidelberg. Lorraine was also an unofficial Floss 'N Toss participant because she was heading to a corporate dinner at the Chop House. Mmmm, steak.
(Courtesy of F. Ahmadi)

Stop #3 - Trying to leave Heidelberg while Michelle gives me a huge hug. And crushes my windpipe in the process (Courtesy of M. Gezo)

Stop #4 - Feelin' the Latino love at Monkey Bar with Patricia and Marlene.

(Courtesy of C. Tapia)

Stop #5 - Buffalo Wild Wings. Obviously we are way more concerned with food at this point.
(Courtesy of S. Klainer)
Stop #6 - Scorekeepers. The original subjects of this picture were myself, Sara Klainer, Ginny Lee and Sarah Raehl. Allen Coleman and Jason Fein are just added benefits.
(Courtesy of S. Klainer)
Stop #7 - Dinner at Fleetwood. I'm not sure what exactly is going on here, but Hugh's expression is pretty spectacular.
(Courtesy of K. Gillilan)
Stop #8 - Section Six boys Mark G., Jose, Matt J. and Hugh at Alley Bar.
(Courtesy of K. Gillilan)

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