After finally making it to DC, I got in my rental car and drove out to my hotel. As soon as I pulled up, I immediately started looking for alternate sleeping arrangements. Somehow, I had made reservations at a hotel that looked like a set for a horror movie. If something were to happen to me, I doubted very much my body would ever be found. I eventually found new accomodations in Tyson's Corner and fortunately the rest of my weekend was a lot smoother.
Highlights of the weekend included:
- Travel hell
- Dinner with Kyle
- Closing my Chevy Chase bank account, after months of non-use
- Lunch with some of my former co-workers (unfortunately Maryellen, Jeff and Ron P were unable to join us)
- A fish pedicure! You stick your feet in a tank and the fish nibble away the dead skin. Let's just say I don't plan to do it again.
- Roxana and Eric's wedding (::tear::)
- Brunch with the newlyweds and their families
- Shopping at Potomac Mills
- Baseball game at the new Nationals Stadium
- Lunch at Bertucci's
The weekend was lots of fun, the wedding was beautiful and I was very glad to see everyone. I don't think I necessarily realized it at the time, but since graduation is now right around the corner, I have started thinking about the whole process of moving to a new place and having to say good-bye to all your friends. And I have to say, even though I don't miss my old job, and I probably won't miss being in a classroom that much, I do/will miss all the great people I've met along the way (::sniff sniff::). And that means I need to do a better job of keeping in touch with people!
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