Stop #4 - Feelin' the Latino love at Monkey Bar with Patricia and Marlene.
(Courtesy of C. Tapia)

My life as a first year Ross School of Business student... trying hard to juggle all the work, all the play, yet still keep everyone in the loop.
Stop #4 - Feelin' the Latino love at Monkey Bar with Patricia and Marlene.
(Courtesy of C. Tapia)
The behemoth I was driving around Ann Arbor this weekend. UUUUUUUUUUUUUGLY!!!
The weekend was lots of fun, the wedding was beautiful and I was very glad to see everyone. I don't think I necessarily realized it at the time, but since graduation is now right around the corner, I have started thinking about the whole process of moving to a new place and having to say good-bye to all your friends. And I have to say, even though I don't miss my old job, and I probably won't miss being in a classroom that much, I do/will miss all the great people I've met along the way (::sniff sniff::). And that means I need to do a better job of keeping in touch with people!