My life as a first year Ross School of Business student... trying hard to juggle all the work, all the play, yet still keep everyone in the loop.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Europe, here I come!
Monday, April 27, 2009
DisO Week Thursday: Floss 'N Toss

Stop #4 - Feelin' the Latino love at Monkey Bar with Patricia and Marlene.
(Courtesy of C. Tapia)

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Free at Last!
As is Ross Business School tradition, the next week (Thursday-Wednesday) is called Disorientation Week. We all take the time to decompress after two years of hard work. DisO week is characterized by heavy drinking, reminiscing, nostalgia, drama, the senior scramble, and more heavy drinking. Basically it's a chance for so-called adults to act like they're back in high school! The schedule of events is as follows:
- Bar Crawl
- Canoeing
- Spring Fling (semi-formal dance)
- Kickball tournament
- Bowling/Karaoke
- MBA Gladiators
- Talent Show
- Baseball game (Yankees v Tigers)
- MBA Celebration
- Diamondback (country/western bar)
It's a packed week, and I don't plan on participating in all the activities (because at some point I'm going to have to be at home cleaning for my commencement guests). But my time at Ross is coming to a close, so you'd better believe that I will out and about Ann Arbor having fun!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
P(retty) T(errible) Cruiser

The behemoth I was driving around Ann Arbor this weekend. UUUUUUUUUUUUUGLY!!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
August 2008: Ms. Perez goes to Washington. Eventually.
- Travel hell
- Dinner with Kyle
- Closing my Chevy Chase bank account, after months of non-use
- Lunch with some of my former co-workers (unfortunately Maryellen, Jeff and Ron P were unable to join us)
- A fish pedicure! You stick your feet in a tank and the fish nibble away the dead skin. Let's just say I don't plan to do it again.
- Roxana and Eric's wedding (::tear::)
- Brunch with the newlyweds and their families
- Shopping at Potomac Mills
- Baseball game at the new Nationals Stadium
- Lunch at Bertucci's
The weekend was lots of fun, the wedding was beautiful and I was very glad to see everyone. I don't think I necessarily realized it at the time, but since graduation is now right around the corner, I have started thinking about the whole process of moving to a new place and having to say good-bye to all your friends. And I have to say, even though I don't miss my old job, and I probably won't miss being in a classroom that much, I do/will miss all the great people I've met along the way (::sniff sniff::). And that means I need to do a better job of keeping in touch with people!
Friday, April 17, 2009
The swollen Beast

Last. Class. EVER.
I'm not quite done with work (I still have Excel work, 2 final exams and 1 group paper to do), but at 10:20am on Thursday I walked into a classroom for my last lecture ever. Since I got back from my internship this summer there have been a lot of "this is the last time that..." moments, and I'm sure there are going to be a LOT more of these moments in the next couple of weeks. But today was definitely a big one. After 114 hours in lectures and class discussions (in theory, since I have missed a few class sessions since I've been in school), it's OVER. And since I can't for the life of me forsee going back to school to get another degree, no more classrooms, professors, textbooks or coursepacks for me!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Is this thing on?
- I co-chaired UpClose, the diversity weekend for prospective students
- I accepted my offer at General Mills
- I watched first-hand as the Michigan football team had their worst season in like, forever
- I had dinner at the Chop House
- I went to a Coldplay concert and a Killers concert
- I went to my first college hockey game and my first (and only) Michigan basketball game
- I drove to Indiana 4 times
- I went to Florida for Christmas
- I went to Prom
- I spent my Spring Break in Panama
- I drove my car into a ditch during a really bad blizzard
- I ordered my cap and gown for graduation
- I lost all motivation to do school work
- I picked a move-out date, looked for apartments in Minneapolis and picked a start date