It shouldn't have come as a surprise. For the last 6 weeks I haven't been getting enough sleep. We're all packed into the Exec Res building, so germs clearly circulate at a higher rate. Plus, there was the whole travel to Houston issue. Breathing in recycled plane air never helps either. So, for the past few days I've been carrying around my Kleenex, sitting with my mouth agape because my nose is completely stuffed up and otherwise there's no way I can breathe. It's not a pretty sight, but the funny thing is that since so many of my classmates are also sick, there's no spare sympathy to be spread around. I can only hope that this doesn't last all through finals. Which, if you've been keeping track, are over in 8 days. Then I get one week of "freedom" to relax.
More about my Fall Break plans in a later post!
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