My life as a first year Ross School of Business student... trying hard to juggle all the work, all the play, yet still keep everyone in the loop.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

NOW it's over!!!

Once again, planning that didn't pan out. If you look at my Fall Break schedule, I should be in Indiana right now. Well, that didn't happen. It was 5:30am when I finally gave up on the paper. I went to sleep, forgot to set my alarm, and almost flaked out on taking Nathalie to the airport (the only reason I woke up was because she called me at 12:20pm -- granted, I had already missed about two phone calls and three text messages). Fortunately, her flight was an hour later than I thought, so we made it in time. I got back to my apartment at 3pm, got back to work, and by 6:30pm, I handed in our manifesto: 50 pages on the video game industry and Atari vs EA (that includes 27 pages of exhibits). I'm glad to be done with that, and by tomorrow afternoon I will be down in Indiana, and ready to relax!

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