My life as a first year Ross School of Business student... trying hard to juggle all the work, all the play, yet still keep everyone in the loop.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Princess Gezo's 26th birthday

A few days after the end of the school year, those of us still left in Ann Arbor got together to celebrate Michelle's birthday. What began as a tame evening of Mexican food and then bowling finally came to an end at 3am at the karaoke "bar." It was a long, fun evening of burritos, strikes and bad music. Or, perhaps more accurately, bad renditions of good music.
Margaritas at the Mexican restaurant.
Princess Gezo (nice tiara), and her ladies-in-waiting.
The super cool ballon bouquet/bowling pin provided by the bowling alley.

Feeling the love. Or the alcohol...

Some guests are clearly fading...

But Michelle is still going strong, as evidenced by her heartful duet to "Barbie Girl." Shockingly, they scored 100%!

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