My life as a first year Ross School of Business student... trying hard to juggle all the work, all the play, yet still keep everyone in the loop.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Yes, Soup for Me!!!

The news is here. I'm spending the summer working on Progresso Soup!!!
I'm very excited to hear the news. It seems that they already have much of the summer planned out for me and I'm really looking forward to getting lots of hand-on experience. As for what exactly I'm working on? Apparently, it's confidential, so don't ask!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Welcome admits...

At this time last year, I was sitting in the crappy terminal at DCA, with about 10 other Ross admits living in the DC area, and we were all flying in to Ann Arbor to get an idea of what the next two years of our lives would be like if we were to enroll at Ross. By that point in time I had actually made my decision and sent in my enrollment form and deposit, and was a proud owner of a umich account. Even though I had already visited campus in November, I thought it would be a good idea to meet some of my future classmates, and possibly find housing. Well, the latter didn't happen that weekend, but I did have a good time while I was here, and going to Go Blue Rendezvous made it clear that I had done the right thing by enrolling.
Fast forward to today, and the masses will once again be descending upon Ann Arbor. According to Alex (GBR Chair, and my former tv-watching buddy until he got the GBR Chair job and has since been buried in work), over 400 admitted students and partners have registered for the event. It's crazy that only one year ago I was in their shoes. The weekend is jam-packed with activities, although I won't be around to witness most of it. Since I'm flying out to Charlotte tomorrow I couldn't volunteer to be a Student Guide (ie, no nice free meal tonight). However, I am working the Welcome Table today from 2-4:30pm in my awesome highlighter yellow t-shirt. I'm glad that I'm able to help, albeit in a small way. And now that GBR is coming to a close, I hope this means I'll be able to see Alex more often... even if school is over in 2 weeks.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Winter B - Weeks 3-5

So I've clearly been horrible about keeping up with the blog in the last few weeks. I wish I had some interesting reason why, but it essentially boils down to: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." The last few weeks have been chock full of meetings, delays and thumb twiddling, but I finally feel like we're getting somewhere with this project. Funnily enough, our midpoint presentation is today... even though our final presentation is in 11 days. Every time I look at the calendar I get a "Holy Crap!!!" feeling. For one thing, how on Earth are we going to get everything done in the very short time period we have left? On the other hand, how the heck is it possible that in only 17 days I will be completely DONE with the first year of my MBA? Everyone told me that the two years go by quickly, but this is just ridiculous.
Anyway, there are a lot of things coming up in the next few weeks/months that I am very excited for, so I thought I would share...
  • April 10th - the start of GBR (I'm working the Welcome Table from 2-4pm); Michelle, Lene and Shari get back from Spain
  • April 11th-13th - in Charlotte for Erin's wedding!!!; Nathalie gets back from India
  • April 18th - the final presentation
  • April 24th - the final paper is due, and the first year is OVER
  • May 19th - my first day at Mills
  • May 30th-June 1st - in Boston for Beatrice's first birthday
  • July 3rd-6th - in Indianapolis for Nadia's second birthday and Sonia's baptism
  • July 29th - my last day at Mills
  • July 30th-August 3rd (?) - in DC for Roxana's wedding!!!
I really have no idea how my summer became so jam-packed already, but I'm looking forward to being able to see family and friends so consistently over the next few months. And of course, I'm looking forward to the internship and getting to know Minneapolis. It's amazing that when I started this whole process (applying to schools, OP/recruiting, classes) everything seemed so far down the road. But nope, not anymore!
Oh, and some very positive news on the weather-related front... it's been sunny and "warm" (mid-50s) for the past few days, so I hope this keeps up!

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